information processing
Optical communication
Wireless communication technology
Database management system
Logic programming
machine learning
natural language processing
software engineering
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
radar signal processing
Sonar signal processing and localization
Speech and audio encoding
image processing
Multimedia and human-computer interaction
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
Biometric identification and authentication
data mining
Electric Vehicle Technology
New type of motor and its intelligent control technology
Electric machinery and electrical equipment
electromagnetic compatibility
Materials for electricians and optoelectronics
Mechatronics and Robotics
Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility
Power system and its automation
Electrical Materials Electromagnetics
Control Theory and Applications of Optoelectronics
Automation technology
Intelligent system sensors
Embedded system
flexible manufacturing system
Fuzzy and Neural Systems
Instruments and vibration control
Intelligent and AI based control
Nonlinear Systems and Control
Optical communication
Wireless communication technology
Database management system
Logic programming
machine learning
natural language processing
software engineering
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
radar signal processing
Sonar signal processing and localization
Speech and audio encoding
image processing
Multimedia and human-computer interaction
Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
Biometric identification and authentication
data mining
Electric Vehicle Technology
New type of motor and its intelligent control technology
Electric machinery and electrical equipment
electromagnetic compatibility
Materials for electricians and optoelectronics
Mechatronics and Robotics
Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility
Power system and its automation
Electrical Materials Electromagnetics
Control Theory and Applications of Optoelectronics
Automation technology
Intelligent system sensors
Embedded system
flexible manufacturing system
Fuzzy and Neural Systems
Instruments and vibration control
Intelligent and AI based control
Nonlinear Systems and Control
- Submission Deadline: September 3, 2024
- Registration Deadline: September 10, 2024
- Conference Date: September 18, 2024
- Notification Date: About a week after the submission
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If you have any question or need any assistance regarding the conference, please feel free to contact our conference specialists:
